Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Maine's PERSIA

Your to-do list

  • Please head to Kahoot
  • See Mrs. Brunton for a number.

1.  Political
2.  Economic
4.  Social
6.  Geography

Let's investigate the PERSIA-G of Maine. Check out this example from Mrs. Brunton to help you get a better of idea of what your work should look like.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How does your school week compare to students around the world?

Do you have it tough or do students somewhere else? Check out the infographic below to see what a school week is like for children around the world.

A Typical School Week Around The World

From Visually.

Monday, September 28, 2015

What should we change Maine's flag to?

Your to-do list

  • Please prepare your flag on your iPad so that you can share it with others.

You must present your flag to at least eight people and you must examine at least eight people's flags. This does not include your teachers!

We're headed to Europe soon. Start learning European countries!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Redesigning Maine's flag

Your to-do list

  • Please take a selfie.
  • Please open the Thinglink app on your iPad.

Your first project: Redesign our state flag

  • Need some advice on how to make a good Thinglink? Check out Mrs. Doyle's resources.

  • You can also check out the Thinglink Mr. Raby made about the Chicago Flag.

  • This flag, made by one of Mr. Raby's former students is also a good example of what to model your project after.

    Tuesday, September 22, 2015

    Redesigning our state flag

    Your to-do list
    • Please head to Nearpod: either the website or app will do.
    Your first project: Redesign our state flag

  • Need some advice on how to make a good Thinglink? Check out Mrs. Doyle's resources.

  • You can also check out the Thinglink Mr. Raby made about the Chicago Flag.

  • This flag, made by one of Mr. Raby's former students is also a good example of what to model your project after.

    Friday, September 18, 2015

    Let's learn more about Maine before we journey around the world

    Your to-do list

    What are the most important symbols of Maine? Please respond here.


    Who could we ask for help?

    Who should we ask for help and how can we contact them?

    Flag Standards

    Good Flag, Bad Flag

    Your first project: Redesign our state flag

    Wednesday, September 16, 2015

    Welcome to PERSIA

    Your to-do list

    • Please make a name tent for yourself.
    • Please take a screenshot of the resources we asked you to add to your iPad and upload it to eBackpack. If you need help with this, please let us know.
    • Please answer the question on visiting new countries posted here.

    What is PERSIA?
    • PERSIA is an acronym used to help us investigate other places and cultures. It stands for Political, Economic, Religious, Social, Intellectual, and Artistic. In some model you will see Geography added as well. Let's check out what this really mean using the resources below.
    • Now that you have a better understanding of PERSIA, lets investigate a fictional world.

    Monday, September 14, 2015

    Getting to know our class

    Your to-do list to start class

    • Please see us for a K&W chart. The topic for this chart is our class. We would like to know what you have figured out about our class and ourselves so far (the K column) and, more importantly, what you want to know about our class (the W column). You can even ask questions about us if you would like.
    • Please make a name tent for yourself as well.

    Our course outline

    Your homework: Setting up your iPad

    • There are several resources we would like you to add to your iPad. You can access the assignment here or find it on eBackpack.