Wednesday, October 21, 2015

What makes a country successful?

What event would you say would have the best chance of giving you a good day at school?

  • Getting an A on a big test or project
  • Getting a date with the object of your affection
  • Extracurricular success e.g. getting the lead in a play, getting a solo in chorus, being elected president of a club or captain of a team
  • Having a really good lunch

What is the best way to determine whether or not a country is successful? Let's take a look at several different indicators. Go to the CIA World Factbook, the Index of Economic Freedom, and the Social Progress Index to complete the Economic Data Worksheet.

  • Based on the data that we have seen, would you rather live in the European country you researched or the United States? Please submit your answer on eBackpack. The assignment is posted there as well.
  •  If you forgot your country here is the list.

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